there is still so much about my summer at unirondack i need to write about. i keep thinking i'll still have time to do it before i forget what it was really like. for now, i want to mention this morning..
i'm back at unirondack for the weekend. i left finally about 2 and a half weeks ago, and was completely thrilled to have the chance to get back up here this past weekend. it was the board retreat, and a few of us summer staff (myself, jonathan gotfried, marie, beth and mike, and colin) came up to do some projects around camp, and spend time with the board of directors.
it was a lovely weekend, with warm days and cool nights. i had my down comforter. and there were fires in all the fireplaces. the leaves have started to turn, and there are little firey places all across the lake. its lovely.
this morning i got up and took out a kayak on the lake. it was smooth as glass, and the fog was lifting up with the sunrise. there were loons out while i paddled around the edges near the lillypads, and a little frog on the shore as i was climbing into my kayak.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
singing and songwriting
how lucky am i? let me tell you. i'm still here in the beautiful adirondacks. i'm doing some work today for a client. however, while i sit here and code and work on images i have a view of the lake from my spot in the loft of the lodge. and all the kids are here right now, in their morning program. this weeks program is music, poetry and songwriting. the camp brought in some amazing musicians to teach and i get to listen to their incredible music while i work. it's cool to be me today.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
i cant blog... i'm too busy making bracelets.

so a week ago there was a huge storm here. it started in the afternoon, which was pretty cool. i was in the art shop down on the lake. the view was spectacular. and... the power went out. our camp is pretty remote, and the power didn't come back on till late that night. not too much of an emergency, but no power also means no water for us. our water is pumped up from the lake (and filtered, etc.) so without the power it basically just stays in the lake. we had a couple of cases of bottled water though.
also, it was friday, which is the night the kids have a dance. we had to do that the old fashioned way with flashlights on the disco ball, and a battery powered boom box. i think it added to the fun. it was impressive just how dark it was. it usually is at night, we have some trail lights here and there that dont go out till about 1am, and their absence was noticeable. many nights i notice that the moon reflecting on the lake is far brighter than the trail lights. it lights up camp with a cool glow.

i've had a bat in the art shop. i'm not sure if its always the same bat, or if he's bringing his friends to use the pottery wheel. either way, every time a bat is spotted, we have to evacuate the art room. even though there aren't any documented cases of rabid bats int he area, precautions must be taken. did you know that a bat can bite you without you even feeling it? who'd have guessed.
i can hardly believe there are only three weeks of camp left. its seems impossible that the summer has gone so quickly. i love it here. right now, we have high school age campers. they are here for 2 weeks. after that we have one week of family camp. i may stic
there are still lots of wonderful things happening in the art shop. we silkscreen, and paint, and play with clay (because EVERYONE loves clay), there's a lot of sewing, we're working on a tile mosiac. lots of jewelry making. yay art!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007
new photos, new art!

ok, tons of photos that i've taken that i haven't had time to write about or post!
beautiful skies from the art shop balcony.

late night in the lodge. (note the mosquito bite)

stuff from the kiln... including leroy the red whale, and dinomouse!

thats too cute to be an ugly doll! buttons and pink fur don't know how to be ugly. i couldnt believe how many kids wanted to make these. sometimes i dont even know whats going to be a hit. glad i brought extra fabric!

king of the art shop. cute orange stripey king of the art shop. how wonderful it is to have meaty follow you around camp.

coolest coffeemug ever. (i take teeny tiny partial credit, i helped with the design)

we had the most amazing rainbows a few weeks ago. i meant to do a whole post about it, with tons of pictures. but heres one at least. :)
Sunday, July 22, 2007
meaty, triathalons, harry potter, and other stuff i've been too busy to write about.

so.. wednesday i got to go on a teeny tiny triathlon. we set out in kayaks from camp, kayaked across the lake and upriver to just before the small rapids. we pulled out the kayaks and hiked through the woods three miles to moshier falls (incidentally in herkimer county!). moshier

Tuesday, July 17, 2007
lovely lovely adirondacks!

meaty and i are currently sitting outside enjoying YET ANOTHER beautiful day in the adirondacks. the weather here is truly fantastic. meaty is pondering the pros and cons of the tether. he likes to be out to try to track the chipmunks, however, whenever he is outside a large group of teen girls swarm down to pet him and coo over how darling he is. meaty is not really that type of cat. he's more the quiet one person at a time sort of man. so far he hasnt bit anyone. we'll see if he can keep that record.
camp is flying by. the weeks seem to blend together. the current session is Channing I (there is also Channing II). campers during this session are junior high and early high school. the first day they arrived was very intimidating. they were very, very, very too cool for everything. some of the girls are a little clique-y. we do the best we can to bust up cliques. now that they've been here they seem to be relaxing more, and letting their ultra-hip coolness gaurd down a little. this makes them so much more human. they're old enough to have some interesting insights on the world, and also old enough to clean up their art supplies, and not run when the kiln is on. i'm very very happy about that.
at mealtime i find myself drawn to siting with the ones i would have been friends with. we have a few artists, and odd nerdy types. a few gender benders. theyre cool kids all around, but i have my favorites.
the projects in artshop are getting some pretty interesting results as well. they're coming up with neat silk screen designs, and sculpting clever things in clay. i have a workshop on friday to make ugly dolls and monsters. when my day off started yesterday afternoon i went and got some fabric and things in town. i'll post the results. :)
Friday, July 13, 2007
busy, busy barton

my second week of campers is winding down to a close. as you may have noticed due to my lack of posts, barton was a busy week. but lots of fun!! yesterday i took two groups on excursions to eagle falls (without my camera because im a damn fool!). next time, pictures for sure. the art shop has been a wild and crazy flurry of late night kiln firings, glaze and paint and costumes and silkscreening, and candle making and beading and BOONDOGGLE (also known as: gimp, lanyard, and "hey i want to make one of those things with the plastic strings, but i don't know how to start it will you start it for me?"). if anyone needs a plastic keychain, by all means let me know.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007
my cabin

so my cabin is small, but great. it has one main room,

meaty seems to like it well enough as well. he gets lots of attention. the kids come by and call to him through the window, and ooh and ahh over how

the window is big enough that you can see my quilt from outside, and that really brightens things up. the whole place is cozy and happy. we like it. the first day i was here cleaning the art shop, i found a little wooden fish on the floor that someone had started to paint and given up on. i repainted him and made him into a light pull for the light over my bed. i am slowly but surely adding little

wildness and the germs that go with it
as it turns out, they are also full of germs. this age group isnt big on handwashing. so, i've gotten a cold already. but thats ok. my classes are a lot of fun. we've been playing with clay, and painting. i have a friendship bracelet and beading workshop that im giving tomorrow night.
the campers downstairs (lower lodge) just broke into a huge tambourine/acoustic guitar/bongo drum rendition of wild thing.
highly appropriate.
... and so much fun. ;)
the campers downstairs (lower lodge) just broke into a huge tambourine/acoustic guitar/bongo drum rendition of wild thing.
highly appropriate.
... and so much fun. ;)
Monday, July 2, 2007
it just got louder in here....
campers arrived yesterday. there are only 35 of them, but they sound like 135. they are 8-11 years old, full of energy, and mostly totally adorable.
Friday, June 29, 2007
care packages can be sent thusly:
Elizabeth Bashur
c/o Unirondack
8722 Unirondack Road
Lowville, NY 13367
(for those who have asked) :)
c/o Unirondack
8722 Unirondack Road
Lowville, NY 13367
(for those who have asked) :)
the lodge

so, i figure i should start posting some photos from around the camp. this will take a LONG time because there is a lot of camp. also, bear in mind that these photos will not nearly do it justice, and if you think the pictures are pretty you should surely talk to me about coming up here to camp sometime so you can see it in all its glory.

the lodge is two floors, with an open area in the center, so you can look down from the second floor loft to the first floor, and the fireplace chimney (which is huge) reaches

the main room is in front of the fireplace, and we have couches all around. this is where we have our programming meetings for staff, camp council, sit and talk late at night, drum or play the piano. theres a large room

upstairs there are big chairs and tables, and books and games all around. huge windows starting on the second floor reach up to the peak of the building letting in tons of sunlight, and a view of the lake.

there are three trails leading from the lodge. the first goes down a set of steps into the

Thursday, June 28, 2007
clay clay clay!

i'm sitting in the lodge tonight, drinking my r.w.knudsen lemon lime spritzer. i'm concerned i may develop an addiction to these things. they have them in the camp store, and we just keep track of how many we drink. it could become a delicious problem.
ups says my art supplies are currently in east syracuse. a mere 4 hours away! i cant wait. 4 boxes of beautiful art supplies. tonight i had the staff all come into the art shop after dinner and play with clay so that we can test out the kiln. i forgot how fun clay is, and how good it feels. i did some hand building today, and i think i may try to throw a piece or two on the wheel tomorrow.

we've had a lot of program meetings the last few days, preparing age based classes and workshops. campers arrive on sunday. only two more days to get ready! our first session, "emerson" is 4-6th graders. after saturday it's pretty much campers back to back the rest of the summer. some of the really busy sessions i'll be a cabin counselor as well as running the art shop. i think i can safely plan on being exhausted, but happy.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
jump in the lake!

so if you've spent your morning sorting dusty boxes of art supplies, a random hodge podge (or should i say "mod podge") of feathers and paper tangles of yarn and silkscreens, and its hot and dusty in your art room, what do you do? JUMP IN THE LAKE! i love having the lake as a constant option. i visit it a few times a day. it's such an amazing luxury.

Monday, June 25, 2007
right now smells like woodsmoke. it sounds like someone playing "blackbird", and ping pong. people talking and shuffling off to showers and bed, and people calling out words for boggle. tonight was our second night with a full staff. we've been working on projects and moving things, and brainstorming a combination of workshops for campers, and pranks to play on campers. they're all so much fun.
today we worked on putting together these modular floating docks and setting them out in the lake. it was brisk at first, but wonderful. a 15'x15' section of docks was at the boat house, and we needed to get it to the swimming waterfront a little ways around the lake. 16 of us hiked up, launched it into the water, climbed aboard, and rowed it like a giant raft. so much fun!
today we worked on putting together these modular floating docks and setting them out in the lake. it was brisk at first, but wonderful. a 15'x15' section of docks was at the boat house, and we needed to get it to the swimming waterfront a little ways around the lake. 16 of us hiked up, launched it into the water, climbed aboard, and rowed it like a giant raft. so much fun!
Sunday, June 24, 2007
sunday morning

it was super cold this morning. meaty was huddling under the covers with me, and i was looking for extra socks. walking into the kitchen however was dreamy. it was steamy and warm and smelled like sausages and cinnamon buns. they had already lit a big fire in the dining hall fireplace. i’ve come to really enjoy eating breakfast with 50 people. i think one of my favorite things is the contrast that proceeds the meal. because UU is a non-creedal religion, we don’t have specific prayers or anything that we say, but rather take things from everywhere, so every morning before breakfast someone will suggest some sort of song as a “grace”. its usually something kind of soft like this morning’s “thanks be for friends and daily bread” and it’s this nice sleepy melody, followed by a booming echoing clang 50 folding chairs clang open and we sit down to a hot meal.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
cedar, campfire smoke, and deep woods off

these are my new scents. and there are new sounds as well. frogs and birds and a quiet little wave sound of the lake below my shop. i worked on the art shop for hours and hours today. significant progress has been made, but there is still a long way to go. it was nice to get it opened up, and aired out a bit. i did a lot of sweeping, and dusting off of cobwebs. i have yet to start ordering supplies. i really need to do that right away! i had a couple of workshops with the kids today. the dozen or so kids that are here this weekend are the children of various RE directors that are having a retreat (did i already say that in the last entry?) so they are quiet varied in age for such a small group. the tiny ones are painting rocks, and beading

mmmm.... hot shower.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Unirondack! Woo Hoo!

we arrived a little before midnight last night. meaty was the ultimate champ of 12 hours in the car (thats 8 for actual driving, and the rest for stops, including niagra falls). he sat on my lap most of the way, and watched the road go by. john did all the driving.. which was very nice. towards the end we weren't sure we were going to find camp... there was a big lot a 'nothin out there! but when we did, it was beautiful. even in the pitch darkness, with only the suggestion of trees, the amazing stars, and the smell of cedar.

we spent some time in the art room this morning, and i was completely overwhelmed by how wonderful it is. it's far larger than i thought, so much larger than it looked in pictures. there's a nice big deck off the back with a panorama of sparkling lake. it's disheveled now, but i'll work over the next few days to re-organize it and get everything up and

meaty likes our cabin pretty well, and by tomorrow afternoon i'll have it all appointed and set up. for now i'm going to get to bed. i hardly glossed over everything that happened today, but i'll try to catch up when its not my first day!
with love from unirondack,
meaty and elizabeth
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